About AroTranslate

This page is momentarily only available in English.

Aromanian is an endangered Romance language spoken in the Balkans. Despite its rich cultural significance, it is often overlooked in the digital world. The goal of AroTranslate is to help make Aromanian more accessible and engaging through state-of-the-art translation technology.

Learn more about AroTranslate on Github or Huggingface.

Through this project we also aim to raise awareness of the endangered status and advocate for increased support of Aromanian culture and tongue. We are dedicated to supporting the Aromanian community and encourage anyone interested in contributing or learning more to get in touch with us at alex.jerpelea@gmail.com.

Partners and Supporters

This project is initiated and conducted by Alexandru-Iulius Jerpelea with additional support from:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. When using any part of AroTranslate, please credit it as "AroTranslate", including the author.